HRTC v Oxford - TVL - Match Result
HRTC won again on Saturday by defeating Oxford 46-40 on total games.
HRTC v Oxford
Match 1: Yuri Kugler & George Fowler v John Stevens & Martyn Rowlands - 6/0 0/6 4/6
Match 2: Nigel Kenyon & Andy Linfoot v Mary Joyner & Chris Peri - 6/3 6/1
Match 3: Yuri Kugler & Nick Broad v Andy Parkinson & Marty Burn - 1/6 6/5 5/6
Match 4: George Fowler & Candida Nicholls v Jonathan Clark & Chris Peri - 6/5 6/2
Thank you to George Fowler for being match manager and providing a delicious lunch on the day.